Published and Seminar Papers

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Here you can find a list of the papers I have published and recently engaged seminar talks around the themes of my research:

Tools in Transition: Historical Ecology and the Mesolithic of Jura. Forthcoming in Koerner, S. (eds) Prometheus Unbound: Contingent Skills and Emerging Contingencies for Arts and Archaeology.

All is for All! Archaeology, Mutual Aid & Community Engagement in practicing Free Association Networks. Forthcoming in Koerner, S. & Jorge, V (eds) Archaeology & Widening Participation: A cross disciplinary Dialogue. BAR Series.

Game audio in archaeology – new reciprocity and experience in modelling the Ribchester Roman Fort. Forthcoming in Koerner, S. & Marshall, C (eds) Between the Arts and Archaeological Interpretation.

Breaking the Sound Barrier – New directions for Complexity, Transformation & Reconstructive Practice in Experimental Neolithic Archaeoacoustics. Millson, D. (eds) Replication and Interpretation: The use of Experimental Archaeology in the Study of the Past. Oxbow Publishers. (August 2010)

The Romanised Horse Archer. In Skirmish. Dragoon Publishing. Congleton

Seminar/conference papers

(2014) Sound contingency and VR modelling the Ribchester Roman fort (TAG Manchester - forthcoming)

(2011) Historical Ecologies and tools in the environment of Mesolithic Jura (TAG Liverpool)

(2010) Sensorial Histories and Widening Collective Learning (Architecture Colloquium, FutureEverything Festival Conference Manchester)

(2010) Sounds and Skills in Mesolithic & Neolithic Societies (Experimentality in Nature Conference Series Lancaster)

(2009) Breaking the Sense Barrier: Complexity and Transformation in Experimental Neolithic Archaeo-Acoustics (Annual Conference of Experimental Archaeology Aberdeen)

(2009) Reflexive potentials for Sensory Archaeology: Prigogine, Emergent Novelty & the Implications for Landscape Practice (ASA Bristol)

(2008) Becoming Bovine: Sounds and Experimental Archaeology in Re-creating Neolithic Sensory Experience (TAG Southampton)