
Welcome to the Education page..

In addition to living history demonstrations 'show and tell' - I am committed to providing quality educational workshops for children and young people.

My main periods are from the Ertebolle Neolithic to the Migration (Saxon) era - but archaeological education is not confined to working exclusively within these frameworks.

I am happy to discuss the possibilities of historic periods beyond Saxon focus to incorporate Scandinavian & High Medieval, Post Medieval (industrial) and Victorian/20th Century Archaeology and living history according to the needs of the curriculum for children and young people of all ages... I am particularly passionate about making sure excluded children have access to the activities also.

Services available are the following:

Full living history dress interpretations 'show and tell' - children can handle accurately made replicas of archaeological finds within a 'geteld' style Byzantine tent

Activities aimed at helping children visualise aspects of reconstructive archaeology - taking into consideration the diversity of learning abilities with crafts, artefact usage and Q&A sessions

Activities incorporating sensory archaeology of sound, smell and touch introducing children to musical instruments and rhythm and also recipes and cooking of period foods

Pottery workshops (with an associate) which means children can learn to make their own pots based upon working examples and techniques

Please contact me on with any questions or requirements you have for workshops

Rates vary according to what is required and duration of workshops